Holistic Voicework for Confidence, Wellbeing & Creativity

Lise's Vocal Journey 

I have always enjoyed using my voice as an expressive tool.
My carefree vocalisations in early childhood quickly started to change as my awareness of social environments shifted resulting in increased self-consciousness which caused me to shut down or suppress the fullness and vibrancy of my voice. As I came to more serious music study and engagement with Voicework; I had the feeling something was missing... I was striving for freedom in expression, limitless creativity; seeking strength and resilience in my personal confidence. I felt negatively impacted by the influence of social spaces, societal expectations and the pressure to conform to models of competition and hierarchy.
Whilst at University, I started working with a singing teacher called Isabella Dovaston. She facilitated a safe learning space where I was able to experience an alignment and feeling of connection with my voice. The first time I experienced this in session; I felt that for a few moments I was able to express myself with authenticity. I felt like I was truly expressing myself. That is to say, my vocalisations; they felt powerful, energising, which created a sensation of emotional release. It felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. My voice was resonating on all levels. 

I identified with this sense of full expression in the following ways:

Physiological - experiencing supportive posture and alignment which facilitated ease of flow with my breath 

Psychological - sensing openness and a curious frame of mind which felt receptive to learning and comprehension

Emotional - embracing a feeling of safety in myself and in the physical space 

Social - bridging a connection to my environment and those within it 

Spiritual - heightened sensitivity to subtle energy shifts in my internal and external awareness 

It felt good. The sound I was producing made sense to me.
My vocalisations energised me. I had the feeling that I was 'home'. 

An important aspect of this experience was receiving support through social validation from a trusted individual. There was a mutual acknowledgement of my sound - it was received by the listener on a deeper level than a solely superficial and subjective assessment of aesthetic. The sharing and recognition created emotional and energetic comprehension between us. Resonance.

My authentic expression, sound and voice had been heard and understood. I decided to identify this sound and feeling as my True Voice.

I would describe my experience as an activation or awakening - moving from one state to another. This initiated the beginning of my Journey with the True Voice. I wanted to understand more about the mystery of this experience. The voice that I had connected with felt like something that had always been within me, so why was I unable to tap into this sound at will? This True Voice, I wanted to find it again, learn from it and express it freely.

Simultaneously, this personal breakthrough stimulated a strong desire within me to find a way to share
the experience of personal connection and recognition through facilitation for others. This was a pivotal fork in the road which drew me towards research and teaching.

I have been following this spiral path of self enquiry since 2011, asking; how can I build a relationship between my intention to communicate and my ability to communicate as I wish? How can I develop a strong, clear channel for my authentic voice to be expressed?

The questions I am reflecting on situate themselves within what I consider to be the field of Holistic Voicework. My intention is to create a body of work to lay the foundations for further research with a view to communicating the scope of this medium of personal development as a therapeutic approach to support wellbeing.

Here, I am sharing all I have been; researching, exploring and practicing within the realms of Holistic Voicework as my understanding continues to evolve.

The True Voice is not a destination, it is a Journey.  

My Journey with the True Voice and an invitation to begin yours...

 Each of us have unique reflections, feelings and stories we share about our relationship with our voices. I have been documenting my personal learning and discovery in parallel to my ongoing research and facilitation practice; aiming to pull out useful insights on different areas of vocal development that I hope will be useful and informative for others who are exploring in this area.  

 What is Holistic Voicework? 

   Explore our unique learning methodology   

 Practitioner Insights: Lise Mitchell Noble   

Alongside my Creative Practice and Personal Development there has also been a parallel Vocal Health Journey with Clinical Intervention. I am happy to share my reflections from this experience with the knowledge that it can offer insights into navigating Public Health services. The touchpoints I had with Vocal Health Practitioners along the way as well as the excellent therapeutic care provided prompted me to undertake Vocal Health First Aid training as well as additional learning skills in Mental Health. Most recently I completed COSCA's Counselling Skills Course. All of these additional tools enable me to better serve clients and facilitate more effective referral pathways to other specialists and support services if required. True Voice Creations is committed to using this Creative Education platform to champion best practice and raise awareness of Vocal Health, Voice Care, Mental Health and Wellbeing. 
Please note that in addition to the 5 Elements of Voicework Methodology; True Voice Creations makes reference to assessment and awareness tools outwith its principle field of expertise.These additional frames of reference enable clients to be appropriately referred and signposted on to additional support resources where needed.
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