Coming in 2021...
A 6 month online group training and mentorship programme to progress you along your personal Vocal Journey

What does the training include?

Is this training right for me?

With diligence and dedication, pursuing this Vocal Journey has the power to transform your life. In this commitment to your personal self development you must be aware of the potential for huge shifts and changes in your self belief, determination and perception of your ability to affect change in the world. Your voice is the most powerful, transformative healing tool you have access to. When you harness it with consciousness and fearlessness, you become a force of nature.
The Vocal Journey has the power to reveal to you a deeper understanding of…
  • What your core beliefs are
  • What your true passions are
  • What you place value in
  • What your fears and limitations are
  • What makes you feel safe
  • What makes you feel uncomfortable
  • What encourages your growth
  • What restricts your growth
  • Who your support network and allies are
  • Which aspects of your life feel out of alignment
  • Which structures and systems are nourishing you
  • Where you are limiting yourself and others
  • Where your boundaries lie
  • Where you are not trusting your own instincts
  • Where you are resistant to change and growth
  • How you dialogue with yourself
  • How you communicate with others
  • How you feel about yourself
  • How you perceive your impact in the world

What will emerge for me through following this process?

  • Supportive tools and techniques that can stay with you for life
  • Confidence with strategies that will help you support your friends, families and communities
  • Emergence of hidden talents, strengths and skills
  • Fuller understanding of yourself and your needs

Is this training right for me?

You are:

  • ready to meet yourself at a deeper level
  • excited to evolve your creative potential
  • committed towards a positive shift in your life
  • open to learning about your hidden desires and motivations
  • prepared to face the personal challenges which will arise
  • willing to release destructive patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs
  • aware that this process demands radical honesty and self acceptance

What qualities will I be developing?

Stay connected for updates 
This Training Programme will be made available through enrolment.
Follow the True Voice Creations Facebook page for the latest news.